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Opposition Editorial

Collective Voice

Martin McSweeney

Test OpEd 3

Voter Supression

Jill McSweeney

Test OpEd 2

Collective Voice

Martin McSweeney

Ever considered participating in collective good?


One effective way of getting a political or social message out there is the excellent and plentyful resister rooms on

One effective way of getting a political or social message out 

Test OpEd 3

Martin McSweeney

Collective Voice

One effective way of getting a political or social message out there is the excellent and plentyful resister rooms on Twitter like wtpBlue, OneVoice, Dems4USA and many more. These provide excellent amplification points for messaging by resisters and play a vital role in the political conversation. They are an important rallying point for likeminded Democrat supporters to promote policy and candidates. The resister community is huge and there are great people that run and manage lists to bring these virtual activists together, without them where would we be?

This got me thinking about the term 'collective voice'. Look at each resister as a drop of water. On its own it's just a drop of water, but if you have a few drops, you create a puddle. Keep adding drops and at some point water starts to flow. A stream becomes a river, becomes an ocean. From an ocean, you can create a tsunami which can change a landscape. Now think of it in political terms and you you begin to understand its potential to influence change. What's even better, you don't have to imagine the impact, it's already been tried and tested. Trump used it to poison the minds of millions, so we already know it works. The question is, can this be translated into a positive force for the good of a nation, rather than to promote racism hate and division?

If one person retweets a message it's just a message, if a million people retweet it, it's a viral message and viral messages have impact. Imagine being part of the biggest resister list in history, joining forces to promote key policy. That's what you call a 'collective voice' for good and one that could truly make a difference. A project by the people for the people. I realise that policy can be very subjective and one person's position is not the same as the next. This is called democracy in action and there's nothing wrong with that. Whether it's Transgender or LGBTQ rights. Climate change or voting rights, the arbiter of any message is the sender. It's your retweet finger nobody else's. The objective is, each day to present a very small number of laser focussed policy messages to an army of resisters and let every individual decide whether to pull the trigger on it. It's not about promoting any individual, so there is no personal gain, its about a collective objective to effect change through selfless participation. It won't gain you followers or boost your profile, it will simply promote a key political or social message. That is not to say that your interaction with others in the Politicsrus forums will not attract followers.

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